The Fire Brigade Society

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Any Member having difficulty registering or logging into Members Area should email with full details of issues being encountered.

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The principle objectives of The Fire Brigade Society are to promote and foster interest in fire and rescue services, their organisation, stations and appliances.
Members are encouraged to enlarge,  develop and share their knowledge of all aspects of the fire and rescue service.

The principal activity of members is the exchange of information and material, including photographs about fire brigades, stations, fleets, appliances and incidents, both past and present.
This is done partly through the medium of our quality journal "Fire Cover" (Online Only).

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Fire Cover 245 the Journal of The Fire Brigade Society

Why Not Join Us

Some of the benefits of normal membership- for only £15 Per year!

  • Receive "Fire Cover", the Society's highly acclaimed journal- packed full of information for all interests in the Fire Service (NOTE: Now all Online only)
  • Join in visits to local, industrial and airport Fire and Rescue Services, in addition to appliance manufacturers.
  • Nationally organised Society Visit and Annual General Meeting Weekends.