2020 Membership Vote



Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, it is not possible to have the usual form of count for the recent ballots, circulated with 'Fire Cover' No 230, where there is public access for members to witness the operation.
Mary McCormick, an Associate member, will carry out the physical count of the votes, with myself assisting in the opening of envelopes, etc., and verifying a random selection of ballots as being from members entitled to vote.
The count will be supervised by Mr. Martin Taylor, the Transport Office Manager of In-Transit Transport Services Ltd.
Martin was our 'personal shopper' when we were shielding during the initial lockdown, and as a singleton, living alone, is part of our 'mutual support bubble'. He will witness the opening of the ballot box, that the count of envelopes tallies with the daily records kept, and that the votes are being counted accurately. He will also verify the number of electronic votes cast, and their placement. The Society's Web Manager has also kept a record of the number of electronic votes cast prior to releasing them for the count, as a further assurance to the integrity of the ballot. Martin will sign-off a statement to the effect that the count was carried out in a fair and accurate manner, if he is of that opinion. Please note, Martin has no interest in The Society, is not, has never been, and is never likely to be, a member.

The results will be posted in 'Fire Cover' 231, in the 'Noticeboard' section.

All documentation relating to the ballot will be kept for at least 12 months, as per the normal procedure, and will be available for inspection when circumstances allow.

Richard Williams
FBS Membership Secretary / Chair of the Vote                                                                        15th February 2021